Who is Mr. Binge TV Guru
Article published in the Daily Boar Newspaper located in a county no one has ever heard of!
Over the years many have asked who is this man know as Mr Binge the self-proclaimed prophet of entertainment trivia. Seldom seen often heard on the radio sharing lists ( painstakingly prepared for your approval) highlighting his favorites in the field of film and television.
But what have we discovered about the man? Binge is a unemployed 58 year old bachelor who lives in his mother's basement! Though approaching his 60th year he has maintained his youthful appearance (some would say a bit plastic) do to the fact he seldom leaves the basement. Luckily for Binge his mom prepares and delivers all his meals to the basement enabling him to devote every waking hour to binging films and television shows, preparing lists for his radio segments and managing his Facebook page & YouTube Channel. In his mind and his mothers he truly believes he is making a impact to binge watchers everywhere.